Journal Articles

M. Rucci, E. Ahissar, D. Burr, I. Kagan, M. Poletti and J. D. Victor (2025), The Visual System Does Not Operate Like a Camera, Journal of Vision, in press.
A. M. Clark, A. Huynh and M. Poletti (2024), Oculomotor Contributions to Foveal Crowding, The Journal of Neuroscience, 44(48):e0594242024. (See also Featured in "This Week in the Journal")
B. Moon, G. Linebach, A. Yang, S. K. Jenks, M. Rucci, M. Poletti, and J. P. Rolland (2024), High refresh rate display for natural monocular viewing in AOSLO psychophysics experiments, Optics Express, 32(18): 31142-31161.
C. de la Malla, and M. Poletti (2024), Different temporal dynamics of foveal and peripheral visual processing during fixation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(37): e2408067121.
J. Intoy, Y. H. Li, N. R. Bowers, J. D. Victor, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci (2024), Consequences of eye movements for spatial selectivity, Current Biology, 34(14): P2365-3272.E4.
B. Yang, J. Intoy, and M. Rucci (2024), Eye blinks as a visual processing stage, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(15): e2310291121. (See also commentary in PNAS     , and press release in UR Newscenter)
B. Moon, M. Poletti, A. Roorda, P. Tiruveedhula, S.H. Liu, G. Linebach, M. Rucci, and J.P. Rolland (2024), Alignment, calibration, and validation of an adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope for high-resolution human foveal imaging, Applied Optics, 63(3): 730-742.
Y. Guzhang, N. Shelchkova, A.M. Clark, and M. Poletti (2024), Ultra-fine resolution of pre-saccadic attention in the fovea, Current Biology, 34(1): 147-155. (See also dispatch in Current Biology     )
M. Poletti (2023), An eye for detail: Eye movements and attention at the foveal scale, Vision Research, 211: 108277.
R.J. Wu, A.M. Clark, M.A. Cox, J. Intoy, P.C. Jolly, Z. Zhao, and M. Rucci (2023), High-resolution eye-tracking via digital imaging of Purkinje reflections, Journal of Vision, 23(5): 4, 1-17.
Y.C. Lin, J. Intoy, A.M. Clark, M. Rucci, and J.D. Victor (2023), Cognitive Influences on Fixational Eye Movements, Current Biology, 33(8): 1606-1612.
J.L. Yates, S.H. Coop, G.H. Sarch, R.J. Wu, D.A. Butts, M. Rucci, and J.F. Mitchell (2023), Detailed characterization of neural selectivity in free viewing primates, Nature Communications, 14: 3656.
A. Meermeier, M. Lappe, Y.H. Li, K. Rifai, S. Wahl, and M. Rucci (2023), Fine-scale measurement of the blind spot borders, Vision Research, 211: 108208.
Z. Zhao, E. Ahissar, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci (2023), Inferring visual space from ultra-fine extra-retinal knowledge of gaze position, Nature Communications, 14: 269. (See also Supplementary Information     )
A.M. Clark, J. Intoy, M. Rucci, and M. Poletti (2022), Eye drift during fixation predicts visual acuity, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(49): e2200256119.
A. Benedetto and M. Poletti (2022), Neural Activity: All eyes on attention, Insight article in eLife, 11: e77544.
J. Intoy*, N. Mostofi*, and M. Rucci (2021), Fast and nonuniform dynamics of perisaccadic vision in the central fovea, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(37): e2101259118. (*co-first author). (See press release in UR Newscenter)
Y. Guzhang, N. Shelchkova, R. Ezzo, and M. Poletti (2021), Transient perceptual enhancements resulting from selective shifts of exogenous attention in the central fovea, Current Biology, 31(12): 2698-2703.
M. Poletti, J. Intoy, and M. Rucci (2020), Accuracy and precision of small saccades, Scientific Reports, 10: 16097.
N. Mostofi*, Z. Zhao*, J. Intoy, M. Boi, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci (2020), Spatiotemporal content of saccade transients, Current Biology, 30(20): 3999-4008. (*co-first author).
N. Shelchkova and M. Poletti (2020), Modulations of foveal vision associated with microsaccade preparation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(20): 11178-11183.
J. Intoy and M. Rucci (2020), Finely tuned eye movements enhance visual acuity, Nature Communications, 11: 795. (See press release in UR Newscenter)
N. Shelchkova, C. Tang, and M. Poletti (2019), Task-driven visual exploration at the foveal scale, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(12): 5811-5818.
A. Casile, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci (2019), Contrast sensitivity reveals an oculomotor strategy for temporally encoding space, eLife, 8: e40924. (See press release in UR Newscenter)
M. Rucci, E. Ahissar, and D. Burr (2018), Temporal coding of visual space, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 22(10): 883-895.
M. Rucci and J.D. Victor (2018), Perspective: can eye movements contribute to emmetropization?, Journal of Vision, 18(7): 10, 1-6.
Y. Fang, C. Gill, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci (2018), Monocular microsaccades: do they really occur? Journal of Vision, 18(3): 18, 1-14.
N.R. Bowers and M. Poletti (2017), Microsaccades during reading, PLOS One, 12(9): e0185180.
M. Poletti, M. Rucci, and M. Carrasco (2017), Selective attention within the foveola, Nature Neuroscience, 20(10): 1413-1417.
M. Boi, M. Poletti, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci (2017), Consequences of the oculomotor cycle for the dynamics of perception, Current Biology, 27(9): 1268-1277. (See also dispatch in Current Biology     )
H.K. Ko, D.M. Snodderly, and M. Poletti (2016), Eye movements between saccades: Measuring ocular drift and tremor, Vision Research, 122: 93-104.
M. Rucci, P.V. McGraw, and R.J. Krauzlis (2016), Fixational eye movements and perception, Vision Research, 118: 1-4.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci (2016), A compact field guide to the study of microsaccades: challenges and functions, Vision Research, 118: 83-97.
N. Mostofi, M. Boi, and M. Rucci (2016), Are the visual transients from microsaccades helpful? Measuring the influences of small saccades on contrast sensitivity, Vision Research, 118: 60-69.
M. Poletti, M. Aytekin, and M. Rucci (2015), Head-eye coordination at a microscopic scale, Current Biology, 25(24): 3253-3259.
M. Rucci and M. Poletti (2015), Control and function of fixational eye movements, Annual Review of Vision Science, 1: 499-518.
M. Rucci and J.D. Victor (2015), The unsteady eye: An information processing stage, not a bug, Trends in Neurosciences, 38(4): 195-206.
I.Y. Segal, C. Giladi, M. Gedalin, M. Rucci, M. Ben-Tov, Y. Kushinsky, A. Mokeichev, and R. Segev (2015), Decorrelation of retinal response to natural scenes by fixational eye movements, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(10): 3110-3115.
M. Aytekin, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci (2014), The visual input to the retina during natural head-free fixation, The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(38): 12701-12715.
K. Havermann, C. Cherici, M. Rucci*, and M. Lappe* (2014), Fine-scale plasticity of microscopic saccades, The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(35): 11665-11672. (*shared senior authorship)
M. Poletti and M. Rucci (2013), Active vision: adapting how to look, Dispatch in Current Biology, 23(17): R718-R720.
M. Poletti, D.C. Burr, and M. Rucci (2013), Optimal multimodal integration in spatial localization, The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(35): 14259-14268.
M. Poletti, C. Listorti, and M. Rucci (2013), Microscopic eye movements compensate for nonhomogeneous vision within the fovea, Current Biology, 23(17): 1691-1695. (See also dispatch in Current Biology     )
M. Aytekin and M. Rucci (2012), Motion parallax from microscopic head movements during visual fixation, Vision Research, 70: 7-17.
X. Kuang, M. Gibson, B.E. Shi, and M. Rucci (2012), Active vision during coordinated head/eye movements in a humanoid robot, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 28(6): 1423-1430.
C. Cherici, X. Kuang, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci (2012), Precision of sustained fixation in trained and untrained observers, Journal of Vision, 12(6): 31, 1-16.
X. Kuang, M. Poletti, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci (2012), Temporal encoding of spatial information during active visual fixation, Current Biology, 22(6): 510-514. (See also dispatch in Current Biology     )
H.K. Ko*, M. Poletti*, and M. Rucci (2010), Microsaccades precisely relocate gaze in a high visual acuity task, Nature Neuroscience, 13(12): 1549-1553. (*co-first author) (See also News and Views in Nature Neuroscience     )
M. Poletti, C. Listorti, and M. Rucci (2010), Stability of the visual world during eye drift, The Journal of Neuroscience, 30(33): 11143-11150.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci (2010), Eye movements under various conditions of image fading, Journal of Vision, 10(3): 6, 1-18.
A. Casile and M. Rucci (2009), A theory of the influence of eye movements on the refinement of direction selectivity in the cat's primary visual cortex, Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 20(4): 197-232.
F. Santini, R. Nambisan, and M. Rucci (2009), Active 3D vision through gaze relocation in a humanoid robot, International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 6(3): 481-503.
M. Rucci (2008), Fixational eye movements, natural image statistics, and fine spatial vision, Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 19(4): 253-285.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci (2008), Oculomotor synchronization of visual responses in modeled populations of retinal ganglion cells, Journal of Vision, 8(14): 4, 1-15 .
M. Rucci, R. Iovin, M. Poletti, and F. Santini (2007), Miniature eye movements enhance fine spatial detail, Nature, 447(7146): 851-855.
M. Rucci, D. Bullock, and F. Santini (2007), Integrating robotics and neuroscience: brains for robots, bodies for brains, Advanced Robotics, 21(10): 1115-1129.
G. Desbordes and M. Rucci (2007), A model of the dynamics of retinal activity during natural visual fixation, Visual Neuroscience, 24(2): 217-230.
F. Santini and M. Rucci (2007), Active estimation of distance in a robotic system that replicates human eye movements, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 55(2): 107-121.
F. Santini, G. Redner, R. Iovin, and M. Rucci (2007), EyeRIS: A general-purpose system for eye movement contingent display control, Behavior Research Methods, 39(3): 350-364.
A. Casile and M. Rucci (2006), A theoretical analysis of the influence of fixational instability on the development of thalamo-cortical connectivity, Neural Computation, 18(3): 569-590.
M. Rucci and A. Casile (2005), Fixational instability and natural image statistics: Implications for early visual representations, Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 16(2-3): 121-138.
M. Rucci and J. Beck (2005), Effects of ISI and flash duration on the identification of briefly flashed stimuli, Spatial Vision, 18(2): 259-273.
M. Rucci and A. Casile (2004), Decorrelation of neural activity during fixational instability: possible implications for the refinement of V1 receptive fields, Visual Neuroscience, 21(5): 725-738.
M. Rucci and G. Desbordes (2003), Contributions of fixational eye movements to the discrimination of briefly presented stimuli, Journal of Vision, 3(11): 852-864.
M. Rucci, G.M. Edelman, and J. Wray (2000), Modeling LGN responses during free-viewing: a possible role of microscopic eye movements in the refinement of cortical orientation selectivity, Journal of Neuroscience, 20(12): 4708-4720.
M. Rucci, J. Wray, and G.M. Edelman 2000, Robust localization of auditory and visual targets in a robotic barn owl, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 30(1-2): 181-193.
M. Rucci, G.M. Edelman, and J. Wray (1999), Adaptation of orienting behavior: from the barn owl to a robotic system, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 15(1): 96-110.
M. Rucci and J. Wray (1999), Binaural cross-correlation and auditory localization in the barn owl: a theoretical study, Neural Networks, 12(1): 31-42.
M. Rucci, G. Tononi, and G.M. Edelman (1997), Registration of neural maps through value-dependent learning: modeling the alignment of auditory and visual maps in the barn owl's optic tectum, Journal of Neuroscience, 17(1): 334-352.
I. Nicoletti, M. Rucci, D. Cheli, and G. Valli (1996), Computer assessment of skeletal maturity, Acta Medica Auxologica, 28: 61-63.
M. Rucci, G. Coppini, I. Nicoletti, D. Cheli, and G. Valli (1995), Automatic analysis of hand radiographs for the assessment of skeletal age: a subsymbolic approach, Computers and Biomedical Research, 28(3): 239-256.
M. Rucci and P. Dario (1994), Development of cutaneo-motor coordination in an autonomous robotic system, Autonomous Robots, 1: 93-106.
C. Colombo, M. Rucci, and P. Dario (1994), Attentive behavior in an anthropomorphic robot vision system, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 12(3-4): 121-131.
S. Cagnoni, G. Coppini, M. Rucci, D. Caramella, and G. Valli (1993), Neural network segmentation of magnetic resonance spin echo images of the brain, Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 15(5): 355-362.
G. Coppini, R. Poli, M. Rucci, and G. Valli (1992), A neural network architecture for understanding discrete 3D scenes in medical imaging, Computers and Biomedical Research. 25(6): 569-585.
D. Caramella, R. Poli, M. Rucci, and G. Valli (1992), A neural network approach to MR and CT image understanding, Radiologia Diagnostica (Springer-Verlag). 33(5): 341-344.


M. Antonelli, M. Rucci, and B. Shi, Unsupervised learning of depth during coordinated head/eye movements, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Daejeon, Korea. October 9-14, 2016.
K. Eibenberger, B. Eibenberger, and M. Rucci (2016), Design, simulation and evaluation of uniform magnetic field systems for head-free eye movement recordings with scleral search coils, 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). Orlando, FL. August 16-20, 2016
M. Antonelli, A.P. del Pobil, and M. Rucci, Bayesian multimodal integration in a robot replicating human head and eye movements, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation - 12th Annual Meeting. Hong Kong, China. May 31 - June 7, 2014.
M. Antonelli, A.P. del Pobil, and M. Rucci, Depth estimation during fixational head movements in a humanoid robot, 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems - 12th Annual Meeting. St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. July 2013 .
Y. Wang, T. Wu, G. Orchard, P. Dudek, M. Rucci, and B.E. Shi, Hebbian learning of visually directed reaching by a robot arm, BioCAS. Bejing, China. 2009.
F. Santini and M. Rucci, Depth perception in an anthropomorphic robot that replicates human eye movements, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Orlando, FL. May 2006 - Best Vision Paper Award.
M. Rucci, Visual encoding with jittering eyes, in Y. Weiss and B. Scholkopf and J. Platt (Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 18, 1137-1144, 2006.
M. Rucci and A. Casile, Eye movements and the maturation of cortical orientation selectivity, in T. G. Dietterich, S. Becker and Z. Ghahramani (Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 14, 261-267, 2001.
M. Rucci, J. Wray, and G.M. Edelman, Spatial localization and the refinement of orienting behavior: what can be learned from the barn owl?. Proc. of ISIC/CIRA/ISAS'98. Gaithersburg, MD. September 1998.
M. Rucci, J. Wray, and G.M. Edelman, Adaptation of orienting behavior: from the barn owl to a robotic system, Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation. Monterey, CA. July 1997.
M. Rucci, J. Wray, G. Tononi, and G.M. Edelman, A robotic system emulating the adaptive orienting behavior of the barn owl, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Albuquerque, NM. April 1997.
M. Rucci and R. Bajcsy, Learning Visuo-Tactile Coordination in Robotic Systems, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Nagoya, Japan. May 1995.
L. Bogoni, M. Rucci, and R. Bajcsy, Investigating functionality: The case of piercing operation, Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition. Jerusalem. October 1994.
P. Dario, C. Guadagnini, C. Laschi, and M. Rucci, An experimental multisensorial robotic system for disassembly automation, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robotic Systems. Munich, Germany. September 1994.
M. Rucci and P. Dario, Autonomous learning of tactile-motor coordination in robotics, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. San Diego, CA. May 1994.
P. Dario, M. Rucci, C. Guadagnini, and C. Laschi, An investigation on a robot system for disassembly automation, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. San Diego, CA. May 1994.
P. Dario, M. Rucci, C. Guadagnini, and C. Laschi, An experimental robot system for investigating disassembly problems, Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Advanced Robotics. Tsukuba, Japan. November 1993.
S. Pierotti and M. Rucci, A neural network system to aid the diagnosis of meniscus lesions (in Italian), Proc. 58th Conf. Società Italiana Anestesia Rianimazione e Terapia Intensiva. Firenze, Italy. October 1993..
P. Dario, M. Rucci, C. Guadagnini, and C. Laschi, Integrating visual and tactile information in disassembly tasks, Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics. Tokyo, Japan. November 1993.
P. Dario and M. Rucci, A neural network-based robotic system implementing recent biological theories on tactile perception, Proc. 3rd Int. Symposium. on Experimental Robotics. Kyoto, Japan. October 1993.
G. Valli, G. Coppini, M. Rucci, D. Cheli, and I. Nicoletti, A neural network system for estimating skeletal maturity from X-ray images of the hand (in Italian), 94a Riunione Annuale dell´Associazione Elettrotecnica Italiana. Ancona, Italy. October 1993.
M. Rucci, P. Dario, and M. Di Natale, Robotic tactile perception: a neural network-based approach incorporating sensorimotor strategies, Proc. 3rd Int. Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics. Torino, Italy. September 1993.
M. Rucci and P. Dario, Active exploration of objects by sensorimotor control procedures and tactile feature enhancement based on neural networks, Proc. Int. Conf. on Advanced Mechatronics. Tokyo, Japan. August 1993.
C. Colombo, P. Dario, M. De Micheli, and M. Rucci, space80-variant sampling and selective attention in a robot vision system, Proc. Int. Workshop on Intelligent Robotic Systems. Zakopane, Poland. July 1993.
M. Rucci and P. Dario, Active exploration procedures in robotic tactile perception, Proc. Int. Workshop on Intelligent Robotic Systems. Zakopane, Poland. July 1993.
M. Rucci and P. Dario, Selective attention mechanisms in a vision system based on neural networks, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Yokohama, Japan. July 1993.
P. Dario and M. Rucci, An approach to disassembly problems in robotics, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Yokohama, Japan. July 1993.
M. Rucci and E. Lorello, Organ segmentation by means of neural networks, Proc. 7th Int. Symposium on Computer Assisted Radiology. Berlin, Germany. June 1993.
M. Rucci, M. Spuri, and C. Perego, A neural network system for menisci surface estimation in MR discrete 3D scenes, Proc. 14th Ann. Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Paris, France. October 1992.
R. Poli, D. Caramella, M. Rucci, and G. Valli, A neural network approach to MR and CT image understanding, Proc. 6th Symposium on Computer Assisted Radiology. Berlin, Germany. July 1991.

Book Chapters

M. Rucci (2007), Behavioral influences on visual development: Insights from neural modeling, F. Santoianni F. and C. Sabatano (Eds.), "Brain Development in Learning Environments: Embodied and Perceptual Advancements", Cambridge Scholars Press.
M. Rucci (2005), Visual Encoding with Jittering Eyes, Y. Weiss and B. Scholkopf and J. Platt (Eds.), "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18", MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1137-1144.
M. Rucci and A. Casile (2001), Eye Movements and the Maturation of Cortical Orientation Selectivity, T. G. Dietterich, S. Becker and Z. Ghahramani (Eds.), "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14", MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 261-267.
M. Salganicoff, M. Rucci, and R. Bajcsy (1996), Unsupervised Visuo-Tactile Learning for Control of Manipulation, in S. Nyar and T. Poggio (Eds.), "Early Visual Learning", Oxford University Press.
C. Colombo, M. Rucci, and P. Dario (1996), Integrating Selective Attention and Space-Variant Sensing in Machine Vision, in J.L.C. Sanz (Ed.), "Image Technology: Advances in Image Processing, Multimedia and Machine Vision", Springer Verlag.
P. Dario and M. Rucci (1994), A neural-network based robotic system implementing recent biological theories on tactile perception, in T. Yoshikawa and Fumio Miyazaki (Eds.), "Experimental Robotics III", Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 200, 234-244, Springer Verlag.


S. Kapisthalam and M. Poletti, Temporal modulations of extrafoveal sensitivity to changes during fixation, 32nd CVS Symposium on Active Vision. May 2022.
S.K. Jenks and M. Poletti, Visual anisotropies within the foveola, 32nd CVS Symposium on Active Vision. May 2022.
M. Poletti, Y. Zhang, Z. Stearns, A.M. Clark, and N. Shelchkova, The impact of microsaccade preparation on visual perception across the foveola, 32nd CVS Symposium on Active Vision. May 2022.
Y. Zhang, N. Shelchkova, A.M. Clark, and M. Poletti, Spatial resolution of perceptual enhancements across the foveola resulting from pre-microsaccadic attention shift, 32nd CVS Symposium on Active Vision. May 2022.
Y. Zhang, N. Shelchkova, A.M. Clark, and M. Poletti, Spatial resolution of perceptual enhancements across the foveola resulting from pre-microsaccadic attention shift, 32nd CVS Symposium on Active Vision. May 2022.
Z. Stearns and M. Poletti, Temporal dynamics of peri-saccadic and saccadic perception, 32nd CVS Symposium on Active Vision. May 2022.
J. Intoy, M.A. Cox, J.D. Victor, M.S. Banks, and M. Rucci, Fixational eye movements enhancer stereoscopic vision, 32nd CVS Symposium on Active Vision. May 2022.
B. Yang, J. Intoy, and M. Rucci, Visual effects of retinal image motion during smooth pursuit eye movements, 32nd CVS Symposium on Active Vision. May 2022.
R. Wu, P. Jolly, S. Mizobuchi, A.M. Clark, Z. Zhao, B. Yang, J. Intoy, M.A. Cox, and M. Rucci, High-resolution oculomotor measurements via a digital Dual Purkinje Image eye-tracker, 32nd CVS Symposium on Active Vision. May 2022.
R. Lin, J. Intoy, and M. Rucci, Mapping temporal sensitivity across the central fovea, 32nd CVS Symposium on Active Vision. May 2022.
Y.H. Li, M.A. Cox, J. Intoy, J.D. Victor, B. Yang, Z. Zhao, and M. Rucci, Saccade-amplitude dependent enhancement of visual sensitivity, 32nd CVS Symposium on Active Vision. May 2022.
M. Poletti, A.M. Clark, M. Cavanaugh, and K. Huxlin, Unilateral V1 damage leads to micro-offsets of monocular fixation towards the cortically-blinded field, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2022.
S. Kapisthalam and M. Poletti, Temporal modulations of extrafoveal sensitivity to changes during fixation, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2022.
Z. Stearns and M. Poletti, Temporal dynamics of peri-microsaccadic and saccadic perception, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2022.
S. Jenks and M. Poletti, Perceptual anisotropies across the central fovea, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2022.
A.M. Clark and M. Poletti, Eccentricity driven modulations of visual crowding across the central fovea, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2022.
J. Intoy, M. Carpenter, and M. Rucci, Visual and motor contributions to saccadic suppression in the fovea, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2022.
Z. Zhao, Y.H. Li, R. Lin, S. Kapisthalam, A.M. Clark, B. Yang, J. Intoy, M.A. Cox, and M. Rucci, Task-dependent head-eye coordination during natural fixation, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2022.
Y.H. Li, M.A. Cox, J. Intoy, J.D. Victor, B. Yang, Z. Zhao, and M. Rucci, Saccade-amplitude dependent enhancement of visual sensitivity, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2022.
R. Lin, J. Intoy, and M. Rucci, Mapping temporal sensitivity across the central fovea, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2022.
R. Wu, P. Jolly, S. Mizobuchi, A.M. Clark, Z. Zhao, B. Yang, J. Intoy, M.A. Cox, and M. Rucci, High-resolution oculomotor measurements via a digital Dual Purkinje Image eye-tracker, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2022.
Y. Lin, J. Intoy, A.M. Clark, M. Rucci, and J.D. Victor, Cognitive Influences on Ocular Drifts during Visual Discrimination, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2022.
A.M. Clark, J. Intoy, and M. Poletti, Individual differences in eye drift and high-acuity vision, 43rd European Conference on Visual Perception. August 2021.
S. Kapisthalam and M. Poletti, Spatio-temporal dynamics of foveal visual search, 43rd European Conference on Visual Perception. August 2021.
A.M. Clark, J. Intoy, and M. Poletti, Linking individual differences in fixational eye movements and visual acuity, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2021.
M.A. Cox, J. Intoy, B. Moon, R.J. Wu, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci, Consequences of eye's optics and geometry for retinal image motion, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2021.
J. Intoy, M.A. Cox, E.A. Alicic, J.D. Victor, M.S. Banks, and M. Rucci, Fixational eye movements contribute to stereopsis, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2021.
S. Kapisthalam, Z. Zhao, A.M. Clark, B. Yang, J. Intoy, M.A. Cox, and M. Rucci, High-resolution eye-tracking during natural real-world interaction, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2021.
Y.H. Li, M.A. Cox, S. Murdison, B. Yang, J. Intoy, Z. Zhao, and M. Rucci, Post-saccadic dynamics of visual sensitivity across the visual field, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2021.
Y. Lin, J. Intoy, A.M. Clark, M. Rucci, and J.D. Victor, Cognitive influences on fixational eye movements during visual discrimination, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2021.
M. Rucci, N.R. Bowers, J.D. Victor, M. Poletti, and J. Intoy, Luminance modulations from eye movements predict visual sensitivity, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2021.
Z. Stearns and M. Poletti, Temporal dynamics of peri-microsaccadic perceptual modulations in the foveola, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2021.
B. Yang, M.A. Cox, Y.H Li, S. Murdison, Z. Zhao, J. Intoy, and M. Rucci, A model of the post-saccadic dynamics of visual sensitivity, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2021.
Y. Zhang, N. Shelchkova, Z. Stearns, A.M. Clark, and M. Poletti, Spatial resolution of pre-microsaccadic perceptual enhancements across the foveola, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2021.
Z. Zhao, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci, Fine spatial judgements driven by extra-retinal knowledge of fixational eye drifts, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. May 2021.
Y. Zhang, N. Shelchkova, R. Ezzo, and M. Poletti, Exogenous attention and inhibition of return in the foveola, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. June 2020.
J. Yates, S. Coop, G. Sarch, R.J. Wu, D. Butts, M. Rucci, and J. Mitchell, Beyond fixation: foveal receptive field estimation in freely viewing primates, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. June 2020.
B. Yang, J. Intoy, and M. Rucci, Visual consequences of the luminance transients from eye blinks, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. June 2020.
S. Kapisthalam and M. Poletti, Spatiotemporal dynamics of foveal visual search, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. June 2020.
J. Intoy, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci, Active task-dependent control of ocular drift during natural fixation, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. June 2020.
A. Clark, J. Intoy, H. Yang, and M. Poletti, Fixational eye movements and crowding in the foveola, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. June 2020.
J. Intoy, N.R. Bowers, J.D. Victor, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, Eye movements enhance visual sensitivity outside the fovea, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, October 2019.
Y.C. Lin, M. Rucci, and J.D. Victor, Modeling the trial-by-trial influence of fixational eye movements on visual discrimination, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, October 2019.
J. Intoy and M. Rucci, Eye movements enhance visual acuity, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, October 2019.
B. Yang, J. Intoy, and M. Rucci, Eye blinks enhance visual sensitivity, Gordon Research Conference on Eye Movements. Lewiston, ME, July 2019.
A. Casile, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci, Consideration of eye movements reconciles behavioral and neuronal measures of contrast sensitivity, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2019.
M.A. Cox, N.R. Bowers, J. Intoy, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, Decoupling eye movements from retinal image motion reveals active fixation control, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2019.
J. Intoy, M.A. Cox, and M. Rucci, Control and coordination of fixational eye movements in the Snellen acuity test, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2019.
M. Rucci, J. Intoy, Z. Zhao, and J.D. Victor, A continuum in the retinal modulations resulting from eye movements, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2019.
Z. Zhao, G. Merli, and M. Rucci, Effects of saccades and contrast steps on visual sensitivity, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2019.
A. Meermeier, M. Lappe, and M. Rucci, Fine scale measurements of the blind spot borders, 41st European Conference on Visual Perception. Trieste, Italy, Aug 2018.
A. Meermeier, M. Lappe, and M. Rucci, Fine scale measurements of the blind spot borders, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2018.
N. Shelchkova, M. Rucci, and M. Poletti, Perceptual enhancements during microsaccade preparation, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2018.
J. Intoy, N. Bowers, J.D. Victor, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, The impact of retinal image motion on extrafoveal sensitivity, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2018.
M. Rucci and J.D. Victor, Temporal cues to defocus in emmetropia and myopia, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2018.
M. Rucci and J.D. Victor, Modeling emmetropization in an incessantly moving eye, Computational and mathematical models in vision. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2018.
Z. Zhao, N. Mostofi, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci, Frequency content of saccade transients, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2018.
M. Rucci, From precise gaze localization to high-acuity vision., Workshop on Applicational Needs Reinvent Scientific Views. Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2017.
N. Shelchkova, C. Tang, M. Rucci, and M. Poletti, The role of small eye movements in spatial exploration, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2017.
M. Rucci and N. Mostofi, Visual suppression within the foveola during microsaccades, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2017.
J. Intoy and M. Rucci, The role of microsaccades in the Snellen acuity test, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2017.
M. Poletti, Y. Fang, and M. Rucci, Monocular microsaccades: do they really exist?, Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2017.
M. Rucci, J. Intoy, and M. Poletti, Microsaccades and high acuity vision, Fall Vision Meeting. Rochester, October 2016.
M. Poletti, M. Rucci, and M. Carrasco, Covert attention within the foveola, 39th European conference on visual perception. Barcelona, Spain, August 2016.
B. Aguado, C.M. Majo, M. Rucci, and E. Brenner, Evidence for a temporal component in the influence of the color of the surrounding, 39th European conference on visual perception. Barcelona, Spain, August 2016.
M. Rucci, M. Poletti, J.D. Victor, and M. Boi, Why do the response properties of magnocellular and parvocellular neurons differ both in space and time?, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. St. Pete Beach FL, May 2016.
N. Bowers, M. Rucci, and M. Poletti, Microsaccades during reading, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. St. Pete Beach FL, May 2016.
M. Rucci, Beyond the sensory-motor loop: the inseparable link between vision and action, 41st Annual Interdisciplinary Conference. Breckenridge CO, February 2016.
M. Rucci, Representing space in time by means of eye movements, Workshop on Sensory Encoding by Neural Systems. Paris, France, December 2015.
M. Poletti, M. Carrasco, and M. Rucci, Selective attention within the foveola, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. St. Pete Beach FL, May 2015.
M. Rucci, M. Poletti, J.D. Victor, and M. Boi, Contributions of eye movement transients to spatial vision, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. St. Pete Beach FL, May 2015.
H.K. Ko, D. Snodderly, M. Aytekin, and M. Poletti, Characterizing ocular drift and tremor: contributions to the retinal input , Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. St. Pete Beach FL, May 2015.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Shifting attention at the microscopic scale, Society for Neuroscience - 44th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, November 2014.
M. Rucci, J.D. Victor, and M. Aytekin, Seeing space through time: visual consequences of eye movement transients, Society for Neuroscience - 44th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, November 2014.
M. Rucci, J.D. Victor, and X. Kuang, Encoding space in time: a model of human contrast sensitivity in the presence of fixational eye movements, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2014.
M. Poletti, M. Aytekin, and M. Rucci, Binocular head/eye coordination during natural fixation, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2014.
C. Cherici, M. Aytekin, and M. Rucci, Representing space in time during ocular drift, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2014.
N. Mostofi, M. Boi, and M. Rucci, Influence of microsaccades on contrast sensitivity: theoretical analysis and experimental results, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2014.
M. Rucci, M. Poletti, J.D. Victor, and M. Boi, Seeing space through time during natural fixation: neural dynamics and the time-course of contrast sensitivity, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2014.
M. Poletti, C. Listorti, and M. Rucci, Microscopic eye movements compensate for non-homogeneous vision within the fovea, Society for Neuroscience - 43th Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, November 2013.
M. Rucci, J.D. Victor, and M. Aytekin, Combined head and eye movements whiten space in time during normal fixation, Society for Neuroscience - 43th Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, November 2013.
M. Rucci, Effects of microscopic eye movements on contrast sensitivity in humans and neurons, 46th annual meeting of the Society of Mathematical Psychology. Potsdam, Germany, August 4-7, 2013.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Refining oculomotor control models: accuracy and precision of microsaccades, 17th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, June 2013.
C. Cherici and M. Rucci, Refining oculomotor control models: generation of fixational saccades, 17th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, June 2013.
M. Boi, N. Mostofi, M. Poletti, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci, Perceptual consequences of the temporal input modulations resulting from normal eye movements, 17th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, June 2013.
M. Rucci, J.D. Victor, and M. Aytekin, Seeing space through time during natural fixation., Workshop on Computational and Mathematical Models in Vision. Naples, FL, May 9, 2013.
M. Rucci, The function of microsaccades in fine spatial vision., Workshop on Active Perception: The Synergy between Perception and Action - 12th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 10, 2013.
C. Cherici and M. Rucci, Space-time dependence of fixational saccades, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2013 (best student poster award).
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Accuracy and precision of microscopic saccades, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2013.
N. Mostofi, M. Boi, M. Poletti, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci, Space-time characteristics of visual input modulations resulting from saccades, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2013 . Best Student Poster Award.
M. Boi, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, Perceptual consequences of temporal modulations resulting from eye movements, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2013 .
M. Rucci, J.D. Victor, and M. Aytekin, Temporal whitening of retinal input during natural head-free fixation, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2013 .
K. Havermann, C. Cherici, M. Rucci, and M. Lappe, Adaptation of micro-saccades reveals active control during fixation, Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2013 .
K. Havermann, C. Cherici, M. Rucci, and M. Lappe, Adaptation of micro-saccades reveals oculomotor control at the limits of precision., 23rd annual meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement . San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 16-20, 2013.
M. Rucci, J.D. Victor, and X. Kuang, Encoding space in time: a model of human contrast sensitivity in the presence of fixational eye movements., Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2012.
X. Kuang, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci, Modeling the influences of fixational eye movements on contrast sensitivity, 16th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, May 2012.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Neural mechanisms responsible for integrating space across saccades, 16th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, May 2012.
M. Boi, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, Dynamics of spatial frequency sensitivity during natural fixation, 16th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, May 2012.
C. Cherici, X. Kuang, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, What is the visual input to the retina?, 16th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, May 2012.
M. Poletti, D. Burr, and M. Rucci, The cost of making saccades, Vision Sciences Society - 12th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2012.
M. Boi, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, Time course of spatial frequency sensitivity during natural fixation, Vision Sciences Society - 12th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2012.
X. Kuang, M. Poletti, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci, Contributions of fixational eye movements to the early encoding of visual information, Vision Sciences Society - 12th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2012.
X. Kuang, J.D. Victor, and M. Rucci, Fixational eye movements predict the discrepancy between behavioral and neurophysiological measurements of contrast sensitivity , Vision Sciences Society - 12th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2012.
X. Kuang, J.D. Victor, A. Casile, and M. Rucci, Fixational eye movements enhance sensitivity to high spatial frequencies in the retina and LGN, Society for Neuroscience - 41st Annual Meeting. Washington D.C., November 2011.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Influence of eye muscle proprioception on the updating of spatial representations, Society for Neuroscience - 41st Annual Meeting. Washington D.C., November 2011.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Influence of eye position on spatial representations, European Conference on Eye Movements - 16th Annual Meeting. Marseille, France, August 2011.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Moving without knowing: discrepancy between action and perception during eye movements, Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness - 15th Annual Meeting. Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
X. Kuang, B. Shi, and M. Rucci, Depth perception during head/eye movements in a humanoid robot, 15th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, May 2011.
M. Aytekin and M. Rucci, Motion parallax during visual fixation under natural conditions, 15th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, May 2011.
C. Cherici, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, Analysis of individual variability in the retinal stimulus: implications for neural models, 15th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, May 2011.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Influence of eye position on saccade planning, 15th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, May 2011.
M. Aytekin and M. Rucci, Estimating motion parallax during fixational head movements, Vision Sciences Society - 11th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2011.
X. Kuang, A. Casile, and M. Rucci, Predicting the responses of retinal ganglion cells during fixational eye movements, Vision Sciences Society - 11th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2011.
C. Cherici, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, Analysis of individual variability in fixational eye movements, Vision Sciences Society - 11th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2011.
C. Listorti, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, Non-uniform vision within the fovea might explain microsaccade production, Vision Sciences Society - 11th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2011.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Absence of an extraretinal signal associated with ocular drift affects saccade accuracy, Vision Sciences Society - 11th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2011.
X. Kuang, J. Lansey, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, Frequency content of the retinal stimulus during active fixation, Society for Neuroscience - 40th Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, November 2010.
M. Rucci, Neural encoding with jittering eyes, 10th biannual meeting of the German society for Cognitive Science. Potsdam, October 2010.
M. Rucci, Stability of the visual world during fixational eye movements, Workshop on Perception and Action . Giessen University, Rauischholzhausen Castle, May 30 - June 4, 2010 .
M. Poletti, J. Lansey, and M. Rucci, Frequency content of the retinal stimulus during active fixation, Vision Sciences Society - 10th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2010.
C. Listorti, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, Spatial localization during fixation does not depend on an extraretinal drift signal, Vision Sciences Society - 10th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2010.
D. Richters, E. Ahissar, and M. Rucci, Temporal encoding of visual space by means of fixational eye movements, Vision Sciences Society - 10th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2010.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Contribution of ocular drift to autokinesis, Society for Neuroscience - 39th Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, October 2009.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Visual stability during ocular drift, Society for Neuroscience - 39th Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, October 2009.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Oculomotor synchronization of retinal activity predicts orientation discrimination: modeling average activity in psychophysical trials, 13th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, May 2009.
H.K. Ko, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, Oculomotor synchronization of retinal activity predicts human performance in an orientation discrimination task: modeling individual psychophysical trials, 13th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, May 2009.
R. Nambisan, D. Bullock, and M. Rucci, A neural model for active 3D vision in a humanoid robot , 13th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, May 2009.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci , Perception of a stable visual scene during fixational instability, Vision Sciences Society - 9th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2009.
H.K. Ko, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, Fixational eye movements in a high-acuity visual task, Vision Sciences Society - 9th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2009.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Fixational eye movements and the autokinetic illusion, Vision Sciences Society - 9th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2009.
S. Krishna, M. Poletti, and M. Rucci, Oculomotor synchronization of visual responses in modeled populations of retinal ganglion cells, Society for Neuroscience - 38th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, November 2008.
A. Casile, G. Desbordes, and M. Rucci, Coarse-to-fine dynamics of retinal activity during natural visual fixation, Society for Neuroscience - 38th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, November 2008.
M. Rucci, Fixational eye movements, natural image statistics, and fine spatial vision, Workshop on Action for perception: Functional significance of eye movements for vision held at the Vision Sciences Society - 8th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2008.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Fixational eye movements and retinal activity during a single visual fixation, Vision Sciences Society - 8th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2008.
A. Casile, G. Desbordes, and M. Rucci, Fixational eye movements and retinal activity across multiple visual fixations, Vision Sciences Society - 8th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL, May 2008.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Temporal encoding of visual space during fixational instability, Cosyne: Computational and Systems Neuroscience. Salt Lake City, UT, March 2008.
M. Rucci, R. Iovin, M. Poletti, and F. Santini, Temporal encoding of spatial patterns by fixational instability, Society for Neuroscience - 37th Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, October 2007.
A. Casile and M. Rucci, Time division multiplexing in the visual system, Society for Neuroscience - 37th Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, October 2007.
M. Rucci, R. Iovin, M. Poletti, and F. Santini, Contributions of fixational eye movements to pattern vision, 30th European Conference on Visual Perception. Arezzo, Italy, August 2007.
M. Poletti and M. Rucci, Dependence of fixational saccades on the visual task and image fading conditions, Vision Sciences Society - 7th Annual Meeting. Sarasota, FL, May 2007.
R. Iovin, M. Poletti, F. Santini, and M. Rucci, Visual discrimination during controlled retinal image motion, Vision Sciences Society - 7th Annual Meeting. Sarasota, FL, May 2007.
M. Rucci, R. Iovin, M. Poletti, and F. Santini, Visual discrimination with and without retinal image motion, Cosyne: Computational and Systems Neuroscience Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah, March 2007.
M. Rucci, G. Desbordes, R. Iovin, and F. Santini, Fixational eye movements and the perception of spatial detail, Society for Neuroscience - 36th Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, October 2006.
G. Desbordes and M. Rucci, Modeling the dynamics of retinal ganglion cells during natural viewing, 10th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, May 2006.
R. Iovin, G. Desbordes, F. Santini, and M. Rucci, Vision in the presence of fixational eye movements: implications for neural models, 10th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, May 2006.
M. Rucci, G. Desbordes, R. Iovin, and F. Santini, Contributions of fixational eye movements to visual discrimination, Vision Sciences Society - 5th Annual Meeting. Sarasota, FL, May 2006.
M. Rucci, R. Iovin, and G. Desbordes, Fixational eye movements and the representation of natural scenes, Cosyne: Computational and Systems Neuroscience Conference. Salt Lake City, UT, March 2006.
M. Rucci and G. Desbordes, Influences of fixational eye movements on the statistics of visual input: Implications for early visual representations, Society for Neuroscience - 35th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, October 2005.
G. Desbordes and M. Rucci, A model of visual discrimination in the presence of fixational instability, Society for Neuroscience - 35th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, October 2005.
M. Rucci and A. Casile, Possible influences of fixational eye movements on the neural encoding of natural stimuli, European Conference on Visual Perception. A Coruna, Spain, August 2005.
M. Rucci, G. Desbordes, and A. Casile, Fixational eye movements and the neural encoding of natural visual stimuli: A theoretical perspective, Gordon Research Conference on Oculomotor System Biology. Lewiston, ME, June 2005.
M. Rucci and A. Casile, Fixational instability and the representation of natural scenes, Vision Sciences Society - 5th Annual Meeting. Sarasota, FL, May 2005.
F. Santini, G. Redner, R. Iovin, and M. Rucci, A general purpose system for eye movement contingent display control, Vision Sciences Society - 4th Annual Meeting. Sarasota, FL, May 2005.
G. Desbordes and M. Rucci, Modeling the responses of LGN neurons during fixational eye movements, Society for Neuroscience - 34th Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, Oct 2004.
B. Ersoy, I. Kagan, D.M. Snodderly, and M. Rucci, Predicting the responses of V1 complex cells in alert monkeys, Society for Neuroscience - 34th Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, Oct 2004.
M. Rucci and A. Casile, Fixational instability and natural image statistics: Implications for early visual representations, Society for Neuroscience - 34th Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, Oct 2004.
G. Desbordes and M. Rucci, Modeling the response of geniculate neurons during fixational instability, 8th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, May 2004.
B. Ersoy, I. Kagan, D.M. Snodderly, and M. Rucci, Modeling the responses of V1 complex cells in alert monkeys, 8th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, May 2004.
G. Desbordes and M. Rucci, Discrimination of briefly presented stimuli in the presence and absence of fixational eye movements, Vision Sciences Society - 4th Annual Meeting. Sarasota, FL, May 2004.
B. Ersoy, I. Kagan, M. Rucci, and D.M. Snodderly, Modeling the responses of V1 complex cells to natural temporal input, Vision Sciences Society - 4th Annual Meeting. Sarasota, FL, May 2004.
F. Santini, J.D. Watts, G. Desbordes, and M. Rucci, A system for experiments of eye movements contingent display, Vision Sciences Society - 4th Annual Meeting. Sarasota, FL, May 2004.
M. Rucci and A. Casile, Modeling the influences of eye movements on the statistical structure of neural activity in the LGN and V1, Society for Neuroscience - 33rd Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, Nov 2003.
G. Desbordes and M. Rucci, Stimulus identification in the presence and absence of eye movements, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, May 2003.
F. Santini and M. Rucci, Active estimate of depth in a robotic system that replicates human eye movements, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, May 2003.
M. Rucci and A. Casile, Decorrelation of neuronal responses during eye movements: possible implications for the refinement of V1 receptive fields, Vision Sciences Society - 3rd Annual Meeting. Sarasota, FL, May 2003.
O. Parsons and M. Rucci, A model of the possible influences of eye movements on the maturation of cortical direction selectivity, Vision Sciences Society - 3rd Annual Meeting. Sarasota, FL, May 2003.
O. Parsons and M. Rucci, Eye movements and the experience-dependent refinement of cortical direction selectivity, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, June 2002.
A. Casile and M. Rucci, Influences of eye movements in the experience-dependent refinement of cortical receptive fields, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems. Boston, MA, June 2001.
M. Rucci, E. Mingolla, and A. Casile, Modeling the refinement of cortical orientation selectivity during active exposure to natural visual input, Society for Neuroscience - 30th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, November 2000.
M. Rucci and A. Casile, A possible role of microscopic eye movements in the refinement of cortical orientation selectivity, Proceedings Symposium on Eye Movements and Vision in the Natural World. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2000.
M. Rucci, G.M. Edelman, and J. Wray, Modeling the influence of eye movements on the development of orientation selectivity, Society for Neuroscience - 28th Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, November 1998.
P. König and M. Rucci, A model of sensorimotor integration for the generation of saccades, Society for Neuroscience - 27th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, November 1997.
M. Rucci and J. Wray, A theoretical study of auditory azimuth localization in the barn owl, Society for Neuroscience - 27th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, November 1997.
M. Rucci, G. Tononi, and G.M. Edelman, A computer model of the alignment of auditory and visual maps of space80 in the optic tectum of the barn owl, Society for Neuroscience - 26th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., November 1996.
M. Rucci, Neural networks and dynamic vision, Proc. 15th European Conference on Visual Perception. Pisa, September 1992.